Fermentative Rice Bran

The amount of daily fiber you receive is much lower than the recommended global rate. Cereal bran is one of the sources of fiber supply.
According to internationally reliable sources, processed rice bran is a source rich in vitamins, natural minerals, essential amino acids, omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids, and insoluble and soluble fibers. Rice bran has a high fiber and protein content, and is considered as one of the special sources of antioxidants.
So why is such a nutrient removed from most rice? The problem with rice bran is the presence of a lipase enzyme that quickly decomposes the oil in the bran, this is why the bran becomes rancid and gets an unpleasant smell, and finally, the rice bran becomes non-edible. In recent years, the knowledge-based Parsian Enzyme Iranian Co. has developed a special process resulting in the production of a better processed (stable) and sterilized rice bran, with a very favorable and distinctive flavor. In the processed rice bran, the relevant enzyme is deactivated and, as a result, the shelf life of the bran increases. Another notable point is that very high microbial load and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the non-processed rice bran. This phenomenon is due to inevitable contact of bran as the plant cover with fertilizer, which will cause many problems. Therefore, sterilization is another process conducted on the bran, converting the bran into a nutritious free of any microorganisms (pathogens).


Some of the key health benefits found in processed rice bran are as follows:
An anti-allergy protein with all essential amino acids
Rich in vitamin E complex (containing the highest natural source of Tocopherols and Tocutrionoles in nature)
Rich in vitamin B complex
Gamma-Oryzanol (having medicinal and therapeutic effects, including hypercholesterolaemia, strengthening human growth, stimulating hormone secretion, facilitating blood circulation and preventing platelet aggregation. It is also effective in improving nerve disorders, gastric intestinal discomfort, and treatment of menopausal symptoms. It was firstly used in Japan for the herbal treatment of neurological disorders in 1962. Gamma-Oryzanol can help preventing skin aging by prolonged and continuous use through improving skin microcirculation and protecting against peroxidation and ultimately guiding the secretions of the gland. Gamma-Oryzanol leads to production of ferulic acid in the intestine due to metabolization. In addition, it lacks any allergic effects in connection with the cells of the body.

Minerals (containing significant amounts of Potassium, Magnesium and Manganese) and low amount of minerals
Polyphenols, phytosterols and sterolins (high levels of Beta-sitostrol and Beta-Sitosterolin)

The mixture of carotenoids (including lutein, etc.)

Iranian enzyme Parsian Co. is active in the field of home use of the fermentative bran under the brand of “Doctor Saboos”